Knowledge remains untapped without a strategic compass. Welcome to this forum, where I delve into insightful articles centered solely on the intricate realm of branding.

Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña

The substantial difference between Brand, Branding and Marketing.

Brand and Branding are two of those critical terms that sometimes generate some headaches in professional circles and entrepreneurship communities, but the truth is that they play a major role in any business. Most of the time, giving you a major edge in your competitive efforts. But, as a business owner, can you answer these questions related to building a successful brand strategy? Are you well-versed in these notions? Let me give you a hand.

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Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña

Three key points to building a Brand to connect for

A brand is nourished by a conglomeration of characteristics such as name, culture, design, style, symbols, points of contact, etc. Together, they work as a psychological trigger that causes an association with all those thoughts that one has had about this brand over time. To be credible, it must be supported by a credibility framework.

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Strategy, Social Media, Spanish Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Social Media, Spanish Gianfranco Peña

6 pasos para crear un óptimo Plan de Social Media

Nuestra experiencia social se maneja bajo diferentes patrones en la vida real y muy probablemente la sutileza de nuestras acciones sean un tanto diferentes dependiendo de la región del mundo donde nos encontremos. Cada cultura es distinta. Sin embargo, en el mundo digital por más raro que parezca, esas diferencias se atenúan y nuestro comportamiento y la forma en como interactuamos con las diversas herramientas digitales siguen una pauta casi homogénea. Dicho esto, estas características pueden servirnos de base para construir una eficaz estrategia de redes.

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Strategy, Design, English Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Design, English Gianfranco Peña

The power of good design: Dieter Rams’s ideology

"Everything now is too chaotic". says Dieter Rams and yes, I could be more agreed. The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Being said, design is always offering new opportunities for innovation through a well-made and responsible process. But innovative design has to be capable to filter itself. Design is a labor that has to be born in a holistic way, respecting to their inner function to solve things.

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Strategy, Social Media, Spanish Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Social Media, Spanish Gianfranco Peña

¿Qué es SOCIAL LISTENING? y ¿Cómo Implementarlo?: Guía Rápida

Ya sea que trabajas en una gran agencia de marketing, un estudio publicidad o estes del lado de la marca, buscando alinearse con la brutal competencia por un espacio creativo, dentro de los muchos ángulos de la estrategia de comunicación, el SOCIAL LISTENING es sin lugar a dudas un radar indispensable al momento de cooperar con tu público y cliente para sacarle el máximo partido a los datos recabados.

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Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña Strategy, Branding, English Gianfranco Peña

Why do you need the whole package? Are Tagline, Slogan, Vision, and Mission really necessary for your company?

What is considered a proper Slogan? and most importantly, what is a Slogan? Can we recognize them easily? What about Apple’s “Think Different” phrase? Is that a slogan? We’re sorry but you are wrong. Those words are actually their tagline. What about Disney? “To make people happy” sounds better? It’s in fact, their vision statement.

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Management, English Gianfranco Peña Management, English Gianfranco Peña

How to create a better environment for Meetings

The importance to have a well-motivated leader is as much crucial as getting a well-articulated meeting. Every meeting needs to have an agenda. It may sound obvious, but trust me the reality can be truly different sometimes. No agenda means no structure and with that, there is no opportunity for an organization to grow in a healthy way. Let's analyze together the importance of work meetings from a more productive point of view.

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